
Gruvön on the world map

Project: Gruvön Mill

Project category: Industrial structures

Client: Valmet

Year: 2017

In 2016, the BillerudKorsnäs pulp and paper mill was facing its largest investment ever: a new industrial plant had to be built to convert the production method from medium-pressure to low-pressure steam. The expansion made it possible to raise production capacity, and made the mill one of the world’s largest of its kind. Inhouse Tech was responsible for design planning when Gruvön in Värmland province was put on the industrial world map.

The project in brief


Pulp fact

BillerudKorsnäs expanded its industrial plant into one of the world’s most productive board manufacturers, with capacity of more than 550,000 tonnes annually.



In addition to the new board machine, the existing pulp mill was also upgraded.


Swedish production

The expansion investment totalled SEK 5.7 billion, and guarantees to retain production and expertise in Sweden. The new plant opened in 2019.