
Flackarp-Arlöv chugs on

In 2017, Inhouse Tech began design engineering the structures along the four-track railway extension between Lund and Malmö. When the project is finished, it will increase capacity and reduce service disruptions on the route.

 Parts of the section are below ground level in order to reduce noise disturbance, and improved passages are being built over the tracks to increase accessibility in the communities the track traverses.

After just over three intensive years, most of the design engineering is now finished, and several of the structures are fully or partially built. During 2020 two of the new tracks were connected, which also meant that several of Inhouse Tech’s structures came into use.

Two of these are the bridge at Burlöv station, and the new railway bridge over Kronetorpsvägen. The bridges at these points are being built in two stages, with one half open to traffic while the other half is completed. The reason for the two stages is that two of the new tracks are being built on the same level as the two old ones. To ensure that train services can continue to run smoothly during construction, two new tracks are first being built on new bridges. These are the ones with train services currently running on them. Intensive work is now under way to demolish the old tracks and bridges, to make room for the other half of the new bridges, as well as tracks 3 and 4 on these bridges.

På vänstra sidan syns hälften av den nya Burlöv station. När allt är klart ska en identisk plattform finnas på högra sidan av bilden, där man ser det gamla spåret.

Genom Hjärup har man valt en annan metod för att hantera tågtrafiken under byggtiden. Här har man i stället valt att bygga två temporära spår som går vid sidan av läget där de 4 nya spåren ska ligga. Under 2020 kopplade man in de temporära spåren, där tågtrafiken alltså går idag. Medan trafiken går vid sidan av arbetsområdet så pågår arbetet med att färdigställa broar, stödmurar och bullerskärmar för de nya spåren. Under februari gjöts bland annat sista delen av bron som ska utgöra den centrala punkten i Hjärups station.

Förberedelse inför gjutning av den nya bron i Hjärups station. På ömse sidor om bron ser man de färdiggjutna stödmurarna som blir en del av stationsområdet.